The Name

Shitbike Cycles starts out as a bit of a joke, and with a name like that we hope that it would!

I was starting a new job in 2016, and a group of older guys asked if I wanted to join them on a road ride for lunch one day. I showed up and run what I brung, my only skiny tire bike at the time, a Shimano 600 equipped Specialized Epic Comp from 1993. I put thousands of miles on this bike through high school and college, and it never let me down.

The old dudes showed up with their spandex and decked out road weapons that were worth 20% of my annual salary at the time. The Epic handsomely held its own against the fancy bikes, much to the chagrin of the older riders. When we got back to the office, someone exclaimed “Damn, that thing’s pretty fast for a Shitbike!” The name stuck on the Epic, and has been a part of the modus operandi of my hobby ever since.

The Builds

Full on SBC builds started because of a junk pile. (It’s hard to ask for a more on-brand origin story!) I spotted a pair of 26” Spinergy Rev-x Roks in a photo on a local free-stuff-because-I-just-cleaned-the-garage posting. I immediately canceled a work meeting and hopped in the car, and 20 minutes later a pair of some of the most recognizable but terrible wheels of the 90’s were mine for the sweet price of free. But now I needed a 26” bike to build around them… It was at that moment I started my journey down the rabbit hole that I am nowhere near the bottom of.

SBC builds try to embody the principles of jank and class in every bike. Typically this is manifested by matching eye catching paint jobs with frames and parts that cross completely different bike generations and disciplines. SBC builds are always unique pieces that no rational bike builder would ever put together, and as a result they are truly one of a kind rides that can be had nowhere else.

The Inspiration

I owe inspiration credit to all kinds of sources, but here a couple worth specifically calling out that have influenced SBC builds and/or have been great sources of knowledge.

ETOE Designs - Martin’s DIY spray can videos gave me the confidence to paint the first two Shitbikes.

Oldshovel - Rob’s incredible build videos have inspired many parts mashups, and his philanthropic efforts are awesome.

The Boise Bicycle Project - The BBP is an incredible non-profit bike collective in Boise, Idaho. I volunteered here throughout high school turning wrenches and gaining an appreciation for cycling community. - It’s no secret I love old Cannondales. This site is a great source of knowledge for those diving into the wacky and often proprietary world of old C’Dales.